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RIV/61989592:15510/11:33118484 - Psychological aspects of player's engagement to the sitting volleyball

Údaje o výsledku

Identifikační kód: RIV/61989592:15510/11:33118484
Název v původním jazyce: Psychological aspects of player's engagement to the sitting volleyball
Název česky:
Druh: J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Jazyk: eng - angličtina
Obor: AK - Sport a aktivity volného času
Rok uplatnění: 2011
Kód důvěrnosti: S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje nepodléhající ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Počet tvůrců: 2
Počet domácích tvůrců: 2
Tvůrce: PROTIĆ, Mladen
Tvůrce: Válková, Hana

Údaje blíže specifikující výsledek

Popis v původním jazyce: The purpose of this study was to examine motivational factors for sitting volleyball participation among athletes with physical disability from the Balkan countries. The investigation aimed to determine what are the most important motivational factors and whether they differed by the age category, years of training and between players with congenital and acquired disability. Number of athletes participated in this study was 88 (M: 83 and F: 5). All of them were high level players and participated in International Sitting Volleyball Tournament in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the most of the research took place. They were with and without physical disabilities, in origin from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Greece. Athletes were asked to complete Sitting Volleyball Participation Survey, which is modified version of Disability Sport Participation Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (frequencies) and Spearman's Correlation Coefficient from SPSS 16.0 for Windows were used for statistical analysis. The results showed that Socialization (78.8 %), Health (76.7 %) and Entertainment (76.7 %), Fitness (74.4 %) and Sport Competition (69.0 %), Rehabilitation (60.5 %) from the most to the least important. Significant correlation (p? 0.01) was found between the category of young adulthood and factors of socialization and rehabilitation, between years of training and rehabilitation factor (p? 0.05), as well as between injury age and factors of sport competition and fitness (p? 0.05). Therefore, coaches should create more competitive opportunities for athletes to increase competitive spirit, and at the same time create activities that are more interesting for athletes, to enjoy participation in this sport.
Popis česky:
Klíčová slova:
Název periodka: Acta Kinesiologica
Rozsah stran:
ISSN: 1840-2976
Svazek periodika: 5
Číslo periodika v rámci uvedeného svazku: 2
Stát vydavatele periodika: BA - Bosna a Hercegovina
Počet stran výsledku: 5

Údaje o tomto záznamu o výsledku

Předkladatel: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci / Fakulta tělesné kultury (IČO: 61989592)
Dodavatel: MSM
Rok sběru: 2012
Systémové označení dodávky dat: RIV12-MSM-15510___/01:1
Kontrolní kód: [51652EA0DC07]