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RIV/62156489:43210/12:00184859 - Metallothionein electrochemically determined using Brdicka reaction as a promising blood marker of head and neck malignant tumours

Údaje o výsledku

Identifikační kód: RIV/62156489:43210/12:00184859
Název v původním jazyce: Metallothionein electrochemically determined using Brdicka reaction as a promising blood marker of head and neck malignant tumours
Název česky:
Druh: J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Jazyk: eng - angličtina
Obor: CB - Analytická chemie, separace
Rok uplatnění: 2012
Kód důvěrnosti: S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje nepodléhající ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Počet tvůrců: 15
Počet domácích tvůrců: 10
Tvůrce: Krejčová, Ludmila
Tvůrce: Fabrik, Ivo
Tvůrce: Hynek, David
Tvůrce: Křížková, Soňa
Tvůrce: Gumulec, Jaromír
Tvůrce: Ryvolová, Markéta
Tvůrce: Adam, Vojtěch
Tvůrce: Babula, Petr
Tvůrce: Trnková, Libuše
Tvůrce: Stiborová, Marie
Tvůrce: Hubálek, Jaromír
Tvůrce: Masařík, Michal
Tvůrce: Binková, Hana
Tvůrce: Eckschlager, Tomáš
Tvůrce: Kizek, René

Údaje blíže specifikující výsledek

Popis v původním jazyce: There are more than half of million patients who fall ill with head and neck carcinoma per year, which 6 % of annually newly diagnosed malignant diseases in the world. Group of head and neck tumours includes tumours occurring in the upper respiratory tract and upper digestive tract. They include tumours occurring in the area of oral cavity, tumours of hard and soft palate, gingivae and tongue. However, suitable markers in the case of head and neck carcinoma have not been satisfactory identified. Metallothioneins as a group of proteins with unknown but important role in development of a tumour can be assumed as a potential marker. Therefore, electrochemical monitoring of metallothionein levels in patients suffering from primary malignant tumour in head and neck area and examination of a suitability of electrochemical detection as a technique to be used in clinical practise are the most important aims of this study. Differential pulse voltammetry Brdicka reaction was optimized (time of accumulation 240 s, dilution of a sample 100 times and sample injection 10 ul) and used for analysis off blood obtained from 145 patients with newly diagnosed malignant tumour disease in the head and neck area. As a control, fifty eight blood samples were used. The obtained data enabled us to suggest reference MT level in blood of healthy human within the interval from 0.2 to 0.8 uM. In the tumour blood samples, the most extend group was represented by patients suffering from oropharyngeal cancer (n = 69, 47.5 %), laryngeal cancer (n = 36, 24.8 %), hypopharyngeal cancer (n = 14, 9.6 %), oral cavity cancer (n = 18, 12.4 %) and rarely occurring nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer (n = 4, 2.7 %) and parotid carcinoma (n = 4, 2.7%). Age median of the studied group was 60 years. Determined MT levels in blood of patients varied from 1.08 to 6.39 uM, whereas average values differed in the accordance with tumour localization. Differences between individual localizations are discussed. In co
Popis česky:
Klíčová slova:
Název periodka: International Journal of Electrochemical Science
Rozsah stran:
ISSN: 1452-3981
Svazek periodika: 7
Číslo periodika v rámci uvedeného svazku: 3
Stát vydavatele periodika: RS - Srbská republika
Počet stran výsledku: 18

Údaje o tomto záznamu o výsledku

Předkladatel: Mendelova univerzita v Brně / Agronomická fakulta (IČO: 62156489)
Dodavatel: GA0
Rok sběru: 2013
Systémové označení dodávky dat: RIV13-GA0-43210___/03:3
Kontrolní kód: [286F8A781B4F]