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RIV/62157124:16370/12:43871248 - Determination of Eight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and in Pea Plants (Pisum sativum L.) Extracts by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection

Údaje o výsledku

Identifikační kód: RIV/62157124:16370/12:43871248
Název v původním jazyce: Determination of Eight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and in Pea Plants (Pisum sativum L.) Extracts by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection
Název česky:
Druh: J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Jazyk: eng - angličtina
Obor: FR - Farmakologie a lékárnická chemie
Rok uplatnění: 2012
Kód důvěrnosti: S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje nepodléhající ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Počet tvůrců: 10
Počet domácích tvůrců: 1
Tvůrce: Zítka, Ondřej
Tvůrce: Babula, Petr
Tvůrce: Sochor, Jiří
Tvůrce: Kummerová, Marie
Tvůrce: Kryštofová, Olga
Tvůrce: Adam, Vojtěch
Tvůrce: Havel, Ladislav
Tvůrce: Beklová, Miroslava
Tvůrce: Hubálek, Jaromír
Tvůrce: Kizek, René

Údaje blíže specifikující výsledek

Popis v původním jazyce: In the field of plant physiology, knowledge about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), mechanisms of actions are still missing and are limited despite the fact that induction of oxidative stress by several PAHs has been demonstrated. Primarily, high performance liquid chromatography coupled with UV detector and high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrochemical detector were optimized for detection and quantification of the following PAHs as fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo[a] pyrene, naphthalene, benzo[a]antracene, methylanthracene, triphenylene and coronene. The optimized conditions were as follows: mobile phase - A: acetic acid (50 mM) and B: methanol (100%). Compounds were eluted by linearly increasing gradient: 0 -} 6 min (70 % B), 6 -} 10 min (100% B), 10 -} 13 min (100% B), 13 -} 14 min (70% B), 14 -} 20 min (70% B). Detection was performed at 275 nm (UV detector) and at 900 mV (electrochemical detector). It clearly follows from the results obtained that HPLC-ED has for more than one order of magnitude lower detection limits compared to HPLC-UV. It can be assumed that this difference would be higher, i.e. electrochemical detector could be more sensitive, if mobile phase with lower content of organic solvents would be used. Based on the above mentioned results, HPLC-ED was used in the following experiments. To test the applicability of our method, pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv. Zazrak) were treated with fluoranthene (FLT) in the concentrations 0, 0.1, 1.0 and 5.0 mg/l and their tissues analysed to determine applied PAHs. Significant differences between control and treated plants were determined, however, role of these elements in responses to fluoranthene treatment should be further investigated.
Popis česky:
Klíčová slova:
Název periodka: International journal of electrochemical science
Rozsah stran:
ISSN: 1452-3981
Svazek periodika: 7
Číslo periodika v rámci uvedeného svazku: 2
Stát vydavatele periodika: RS - Srbská republika
Počet stran výsledku: 20

Údaje o tomto záznamu o výsledku

Předkladatel: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno / Farmaceutická fakulta (IČO: 62157124)
Dodavatel: MSM
Rok sběru: 2013
Systémové označení dodávky dat: RIV13-MSM-16370___/02:2
Kontrolní kód: [FFB6AB9FBE77]