RIV/60162694:G44__/11:00002513 - Electrochemical analysis of lead toxicosis in vultures
Údaje o výsledku
Identifikační kód:RIV/60162694:G44__/11:00002513 Název v původním jazyce:Electrochemical analysis of lead toxicosis in vultures Název česky: Druh:J - Článek v odborném periodiku Jazyk:eng - angličtina Obor:CE - Biochemie Rok uplatnění:2011 Kód důvěrnosti:S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje nepodléhající ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů Počet tvůrců:13 Počet domácích tvůrců:1 Tvůrce:Hynek, David Tvůrce: Prasek, Jan Tvůrce: Pikula, Jiří Tvůrce: Adam, Vojtěch Tvůrce: Hájková, Pavlína Tvůrce: Krejčová, Ludmila Tvůrce: Trnková, Libuše Tvůrce: Sochor, Jiří Tvůrce: Pohanka, Miroslav Tvůrce: Hubálek, Jaromír Tvůrce: Beklová, Miroslava Tvůrce: Vrba, Radimír Tvůrce: Kizek, René
Údaje blíže specifikující výsledek
Popis v původním jazyce:Lead as one part of heavy metals group pose a detrimental risk to human health and the environment due to its toxicity, even exposure to minuscule quantities can be life threatening. Levels of lead are not stable in the environment and vary according to industrial production, urbanization, climate changes and many other factors. It is not surprising that rapid, sensitive and simple analytical determination of metal ions in environment is very important. Electrochemical techniques are one of the best methods for detecting metals due to their low cost, high sensitivity and portability. The aim of this study was to compare various microwave digestion procedures for lead(II) ions isolation in vultures samples of vultures available in very small quantities (followed by differential pulse voltammetry as a detection method. We found that the combination of HNO3 and H2O2 is advantageous for the resulting electrochemical response. To determine the effect of mineralization on the height of the lead(II) ions peak, eight different mineralization programs were tested. It clearly follows from the results obtained that 200 W power for 30 min. is the most optimal for mineralisation of vultures' samples. In the following part of the study, the influence of four different locations of samples in the rotor of used microwave system was investigated. Under the optimized conditions, samples of blood and eggs from vultures poisoned by lead were prepared and analysed. Three types of working electrodes as hanging mercury drop electrode, carbon paste electrode and screen printed electrode made of multi-walled nanotubes were employed for this purpose. All three electrodes were sensitive enough to be used for analysis of real samples. Based on the results obtained it clearly follows that the level of lead in intoxicated vultures ranged from 1 to 5 μg/ml of blood. Popis česky: Klíčová slova: Název periodka:International Journal of Electrochemical Science Rozsah stran: ISSN:1452-3981 Svazek periodika:6 Číslo periodika v rámci uvedeného svazku:12 Stát vydavatele periodika:CS - Státní svaz Srbska a Černé Hory Počet stran výsledku:31 DOI:
Údaje o tomto záznamu o výsledku
Předkladatel:Ministerstvo obrany / Univerzita obrany - Fakulta vojenského zdravotnictví Hradec Králové (IČO: 60162694) Dodavatel:MO0 Rok sběru:2012 Systémové označení dodávky dat:RIV12-MO0-G44_____/02:2 Kontrolní kód:[7F1756A961D2]