RIV/62156489:43210/11:00183669 - Monitoring of phytochelatin synthase activity in presence of cadmium(ii) ions
Údaje o výsledku
Identifikační kód:RIV/62156489:43210/11:00183669 Název v původním jazyce:Monitoring of phytochelatin synthase activity in presence of cadmium(ii) ions Název česky: Druh:J - Článek v odborném periodiku Jazyk:eng - angličtina Obor:CB - Analytická chemie, separace Rok uplatnění:2011 Kód důvěrnosti:S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje nepodléhající ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů Počet tvůrců:5 Počet domácích tvůrců:5 Tvůrce:Zítka, Ondřej Tvůrce: Kryštofová, Olga Tvůrce: Adam, Vojtěch Tvůrce: Zehnálek, Josef Tvůrce: Kizek, René
Údaje blíže specifikující výsledek
Popis v původním jazyce:The oxidative stress and its influence on live organism have been studied for several decades. Both animals and plants has various mechanisms to minimize of influence of oxidative stress nevertheless the mechanisms belongs to plants are little more advanced especially if we considering heavy metal ion affects. Simply said plant has limited options in case of escape from polluted areas in comprise with animals. One of most developed mechanism which plants have developed to be resistant against heavy metal ion affecting is producing of peptides called phytochelatines. The synthesis of phytochelatins is catalyzed by g-Glu-Cys dipeptidyl transpeptidase phytochelatin synthase (PCS). Aim of this work was to suggest new tool (high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrochemical detector-HPLC-ED) for determination of the phytochelatin synthase activity. The optimized tool was subsequently used for study PCS activity in the tobacco BY-2 cells treated with different concentrations of the Cd(II). After the optimization steps, we conducted an experiment on BY-2 cells, which were exposed to different concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 uM Cd(NO3)2 for three days. Cells were harvested and homogenised in phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7 with 1M TCEP). Next step for detection an activity of PCS was an adition of reduced glutathione in various concentrations from 0.05 to 5 mM and cadmium(II) ions 50 uM as our optimized protocol to the cell suspension supernatant. These mixtures were incubated at 35 °C for 30 min and analysed using HPLC-ED in optimized conditions mobile phase A:80mM and B: 100% methanol under the best detection potential 900mV. It clearly follows from the results obtained that concentration of PC2 and thus PCS activity enhanced markedly with increasing concentration of cadmium(II) ions. The lowest concentration of the toxic metal ions caused almost three times enhancing PCS activity compared to control samples. According obtained results we were Popis česky: Klíčová slova: Název periodka:Interdisciplinary Toxicology Rozsah stran: ISSN:1337-6853 Svazek periodika:4 Číslo periodika v rámci uvedeného svazku:1 Stát vydavatele periodika:SK - Slovenská republika Počet stran výsledku:2 DOI:
Údaje o tomto záznamu o výsledku
Předkladatel:Mendelova univerzita v Brně / Agronomická fakulta (IČO: 62156489) Dodavatel:GA0 Rok sběru:2012 Systémové označení dodávky dat:RIV12-GA0-43210___/01:1 Kontrolní kód:[9A6FCC52F5CD]